The same is applied to INTERVAL and INT type. The total duration over user and phone is computed by the window function SUM and partitioned by the mentioned fields.Let’s understand the query starting from the inner core section: Let’s also print the percentage of this sum relative to all user’s calls. In other words, we are interested in the total sum of call durations for the particular counterpart. Let’s find out who receives the longest calls. SUM function: Total duration over phone numbers Also note that to convert the number of seconds in INT to INTERVAL, we concatenate the number with ‘ secs’string and then cast to INTERVAL with a double colon. This expression is valid only for Redshift and equivalent in Postgres is DATE_TRUNC(‘day’, date_time). To extract a date from a timestamp, we use TRUNC function in the query. Using the traditional GROUP BY aggregation would require self-joining tables. The aggregate function MAX together with the partitioning by phone clause computes the longest call made by a user and puts this against all user’s calls so we have this repeating extra column available for various comparisons.

See the comparison with the longest_today column. The duration time in bold marks the calls that were longest on a particular day. Notice that they share the same number_longest time.
#Redshift ntile how to
In this tutorial, you have learned how to use the SQL Server NTILE() function to distribute rows of an ordered partition into a specified number of buckets.Rows with the same phone number are in the same colour. The following picture shows the partial output: This example uses the NTILE() function to divide the net sales by month into 4 groups for each product category: SELECT Here is the output: Using SQL Server NTILE() function over partitions example The following example uses the NTILE() function to distribute the months to 4 buckets based on net sales: WITH cte_by_month AS(įORMAT(net_sales, 'C', 'en-US') net_sales, Here is the result: Using SQL Server NTILE() function over a query result set example INNER JOIN production.categories c on c.category_id = p.category_idĬode language: SQL (Structured Query Language) ( sql ) SELECT category_name, INNER JOIN production.products p on p.product_id = i.product_id INNER JOIN sales.order_items i ON i.order_id = o.order_id CREATE VIEW sales.vw_netsales_2017 AS SELECTĬONVERT( DEC( 10, 0), SUM(i.list_price * quantity * ( 1 - discount))) net_sales The following statement creates a view that returns the net sales in 2017 by months. Let’s create a view to demonstrate the NTILE() function. The following statement uses the NTILE() function to distribute rows into five buckets: SELECTĪs you can see, the output has five groups with the same number of rows in each. This statement uses the NTILE() function to divide ten rows into three groups: SELECTĪs clearly shown in the output, the first group has four rows and the other two groups have three rows. The following statement creates a new table named ntile_demo that stores 10 integers: CREATE TABLE sales.ntile_demo ( On the other hand, if the total of rows is divisible by the buckets, the function divides evenly the rows among buckets. The larger groups always come before the smaller group in the order specified by the ORDER BY in the OVER() clause.

If the number of rows is not divisible by the buckets, the NTILE() function returns groups of two sizes with the difference by one. The ORDER BY clause specifies the logical order of rows in each partition to which the NTILE() is applied. The PARTITION BY clause distributes rows of a result set into partitions to which the NTILE() function is applied. The buckets can be an expression or subquery that evaluates to a positive integer. The number of buckets into which the rows are divided. Let’s examine the syntax in detail: buckets Ĭode language: SQL (Structured Query Language) ( sql ) The syntax of the NTILE() function is as follows: NTILE(buckets) OVER ( For each row in a group, the NTILE() function assigns a bucket number representing the group to which the row belongs.

It assigns each group a bucket number starting from one. The SQL Server NTILE() is a window function that distributes rows of an ordered partition into a specified number of approximately equal groups, or buckets. Introduction to SQL Server NTILE() function Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the SQL Server NTILE() function to distribute rows of an ordered partition into a specified number of buckets.