Flowlayout java stackoverflow
Flowlayout java stackoverflow

flowlayout java stackoverflow flowlayout java stackoverflow

InputMap and ActionMap: InputMap and ActionMap are class members of binding helps us to map keyboard to action mapping.

flowlayout java stackoverflow

For each JComponent control we can extract the corresponding InputMap and ActionMap. InputMap and ActionMap both are just tables or maps where first one binds key strokes by means of KeyStroke objects to action names and second one specifies actions corresponding to each action name. Each InputMap/ ActionMap has a parent that typically comes from UI. Anytime the look and feel is changed, the parent is reset. Thus any binding specified by the developer is maintained across different look and feel. Each JComponent has 3 InputMaps and 1 ActionMap. Keymap: Keymap actually helps to map keyboard events to actions.InputMaps correspond to JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED, JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT and JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW. It is not absolutely necessary that text operation should use Keymap but text operations not using Keymap do not perform well Swing’s pluggable look-and-feel environment. Keymap is an interface defined in package. The JTextComponent class has a default Keymap implementation as well as some static methods for manipulating Keymap.Ī Keymap is map of key event to some kind of command that gets executed whenever the said event is triggered. In an application, if it is no further customized, we can have shared Keymap created for each of JTextField, JPasswordField, JTextArea, JTextPane and JEditorPane. Whatever the instances of any of the type of component can be created, those will share the same Keymap instance. KeyStroke: InputMap and Keymap maps one KeyStroke object to a action name or action.Whichever component will have focus, action will take effect on that only. Java (jdk 1.6.x or higher will be fine).KeyStroke class is a member of javax.swing package and any object of this class represents a key or a combination of keys in the keyboard. Eclipse ( Galileo or higher version is required).KeyStroke object is retrieved by using API call like KeyStroke key = KeyStroke.getKetStroke(.) Returns a shared instance of a KeyStroke that represents a KEY_TYPED event for the specified character.

Flowlayout java stackoverflow